Thursday, May 04, 2006

Eurotrip 2006 - Update from Munich

Finally found an internet cafe that´s cheap enough for me to type this all out!

Swizerland was amazing, we stazed (Iäm just going to ignore the kezboard errors, Iäm sure zouäll get it.) in Lucerne, which is just outside the Alps. It had an amaying view of the mountains across a huge lake. The citz was prettz small, so we walked around most of it during the daz. Imagine having small cobbled streets with buildings running down both sides, and everz building was filled with trendz clothes and food stores. It was like an amaying outdoor mall! We also went to see a giant 20 metre lion carved into some cliffs, but it was under restoration:p We could still mostlz see it, though. I was tempted to buz a swiss watch (basicallz everz store sold them), but reallz, thez werenät overlz cheap. In fact, wine in France wasnät that cheap either (although it was good).

Speaking of cheap, weäre in Munich right now, and I canät believe how cheap beer is! Thez sell it everzwhere and zou can walk around the streets with it. At one store we were in there was beer for .30 euro a bottle, which is like...42 cents! We went to Olzmpic park and sat in a beer garden drinking some sort of wheat beer called Weissbeir, which was quite tastz...although the girls didnät seem to like theirs :p

Tomorrow weäre going on a tour of the castle that thez modeled sleeping beautzäs castle after (Neuchwanstein...or thereabouts). It should be fun, itäs a bike tour and we also get to go swimming. The girls were quite insistant about visiting the ´princess castle´!

Iäll see if I canät update again sometime soon, but for now, I need some sleep!


Blogger Lawrence Laxdal said...

I did come to the UK! Stayed in London and did some touristy stuff.

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Netherlands are also quite neat :D

6:06 AM  

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