Monday, October 31, 2005

Ode to Bender

First, the pictures (there you go, Arj), then the interesting story. Reverse chronological order.

Total Build Time: ~13 hours
Total Cost: ~100 dollars

So there you have it, I finally finished the costum about an hour before the Malpratice social on Saturday. I'd been up until 2am on Friday working on it and then spent another 4 hours Saturday afternoon after work.

Everything pretty much went as planned, although the drinking system was pretty much last minute and random. Pouring drinks into the funnel was pretty cool, although it did result in a rather stained shirt. People seemed to think it was neat, and started pouring in random alcohol, which probably wasn't so good for my liver.

The social was a blast though, I'm pretty sure that every person with a camera has their picture taken with me. The costume limited visiblity a fair bit though, so I really have very little idea of who I talked to all night long. Luckily I had Winter and Allison to lead me around all night and make sure I didn't fall on my back and not be able to get up:-p

At the end of the night I took the costum off and we were sitting on the stairs outside of University Center, with the costume just around a corner above us. When my brother arrived to pick us up we discovered that someone had SWIPED BENDER! Needless to say, it really sucks to lose something that I put so much work into. I suspect that the costume thief may be planning on wearing it to the Commerce Social tonight. So if you happen to be there an see a guy in my Bender costume, please feel free to punch him in the teeth (that being about the only area on the costume not covered with hard plastic). If the costume can be salvaged, so much the better.

At least it all makes a great story!


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