Saturday, July 30, 2005

Drinking Games

Tonight I have learned what I consider to be the most excellent drinking game in my repitour of such games.

Basically, every card is assigned a random rule. For example, Queen means everyone with blue eyes takes a drink. 4 means you have to start a story, every person says one word of the story but first must repeat all the previous words that everyone else has contributed. If you fail, you drink.

Another random card entitles the person who flips it to create a rule. For example, someone may create a rule which says nobody can point at a person, or say a persons' name. If they do, they drink. Essentially the game consists of each person flipping over a card in the deck and carrying out the action assigned to that specific card. The rules can be completely stupid and are often made up on the spot before the game begins.

My favorite one of the night was this: The 4 card was the "Create a Rule" card. One of the rules introduced was that before you took a drink you had to remove a 'tiny man' from the rim of your glass and place him in a safe spot, you then had to replace him when you were done drinking. Very, very odd, but it made for a good time. The game got a bit hard when people introduced rules prohibiting everyone from using names, pointing, or saying 'you'.

I hope that made some sense...I need sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That made a perfect sense. Teach me.


well, in our times we didn't need excuses for drinking, you know... ;)

4:50 PM  
Blogger Lawrence Laxdal said...

Excuses? We simply enjoy competition; pair that with the drinking and it works out nicely:-D

9:05 PM  

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